Turn candidates into advocates

Deliver a high-touch candidate experience without high overhead. Leverage Rolepad's capabilities and data to recruit your top prospects and turn them into brand ambassadors.

Get started for free
  • Hiring Managers
  • Internal Recruiters
  • External Recruiters
  • Recruiting Coordinators
  • Team Members
  • Human Resources
Organize your talent pipeline

Stay on top of your in-progress applications to ensure an effective recruitment process. Track candidate progress, keep detailed notes, capture any todos, and more.

Details of an application selected from a list
Build trust with transparency

Rolepad is the first platform to bring together candidates and hiring teams under one roof. Deliver a top-notch candidate experience, reduce communication delays, and eliminate ghosting without extra effort.

Candidate details viewShare the stages with the candidate
Engage the whole hiring team

Embrace collaborative hiring by providing full visibility to every internal stakeholder. You can also share application status updates with external partners to facilitate seamless coordination.

List of connected and invited hiring team members
Set shared context

Share comprehensive job details during candidate outreach. Go beyond basic job summaries with customizable description sections and rich formatting capabilities.

Details of a job selected from a list
External recruiting partners

Are you an executive recruiter or a freelance headhunter? Do you work for a staffing agency or a recruitment firm? You can manage your entire cross-client pipeline within Rolepad and track application status changes from candidates and employers.

List of applicants for external positionsProfile configuration for external recruiters

Choose the right plan for you

You will get 30 days of Premium Unlimited for free after creating your account. All the features with no commitment and zero hassle. Try Rolepad Pro now!



No credit card required

Get started

For basic application tracking

  • Unlimited applications
  • One job used for outreach per month
  • Up to 5 candidate invites per month



$12 per month if paid annually

Start a 30-day trial

For candidate outreach

  • Unlimited applications
  • Up to 5 jobs used for outreach per month
  • candidate invites per month



$20 per month if paid annually

Start a 30-day trial

For collaborative hiring teams

  • Unlimited applications
  • Unlimited jobs
  • Unlimited hiring team invites
  • candidate invites per month

Frequently asked questions

Can't find the answer you're looking for? Reach out by sending us an email.

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